How to use tfsec
What is tfsec
Tfsec is a static code analysis tool for Terraform. We can use tfsec to increase our security posture. Tfsec scans all Terraform files and then provides suggestions for improving the security posture of our infrastructure. You can run tfsec on your local and GitHub actions.
1. Run tfsec locally
To run tfsec locally, you need to install tfsec in your system. To install tfsec using brew, use the below command
brew install tfsec
After that in your root directory run tfsec using the below command
In the terminal, you can see all tfsec reported errors
2. Run tfsec in GitHub action
To run tfsec in GitHub action, You can follow below steps
Step 1
Create tfsec.yml file in .github/workflows/ directory file in directory
Step 2
Add the below code in the tfsec.yml file
name: tfsec
- main
name: Terraform Security Scan and PR Commenter
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Clone repo
uses: actions/checkout@master
- name: Pull Request Commenter
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
uses: aquasecurity/tfsec-pr-commenter-action@v1.0.2
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Terraform security scan
uses: aquasecurity/tfsec-action@v1.0.0
format: json
Code Explanation
Github action explanation
1. aquasecurity/tfsec-pr-commenter-action
2. aquasecurity/tfsec-action
Commit the changes. Now your project is ready to do static code analysis of terraform
code with the help of tfsec.
If you want to ignore some checks from GitHub action, then you have two ways
1. Using ignore messages
You can put the ignore message above the resource creation blog,
so that tfsec understands you know the pros and cons of the resource.
And the particular error for that resource will be ignored.
2. Ignore a few checks globally
We also can ignore some tfsec checks globally. If we mention that checks
in workflow/tfsec.yml file as additional arguments, it will ignore that checks
for that repository.
Important Note
If you are familiar with tfsec, last time tfsec upgraded its major version along with
its rule-id and documentation. Possibly your existing tfsec GitHub action checks might be
not working properly or you might see lots of error messages or previously defined ignore
messages might not work. To solve all of the above problems please update the tfsec
version to the latest one and then run the migration command for migrating the tfsec project
to the latest version. The following command will migrate all your previous error messages
and upgrade your project.
Originally published at